ACCTEL NETWORK, has stayed on the forefront of wireless networking technology, keeping pace with the latest trends and solutions. Wi-Fi technology, the fastest growing and most popular technology, allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly over a computer network including high-speed Internet connections. In the early 2000′s, many cities and businesses around the world announced plans to construct and implement Wi-Fi networks.
As the commercial population becomes more mobile, two trends have emerged for WiFi network solutions to address.Mobile applications now demand more bandwidth - Video and voice applications have increased the demand for pervasive bandwidth…everywhere.
Individuals carry multiple wireless devices - With an average corporate mobile device/user ratio approaching 2.7 (laptop, tablet, and/or smartphone), client congestion has become a problem for many WiFi network.
The ultimate success of your wireless technology roll-out depends on working with a top-quality network services provider- a flexible, well-credentialed and easy to do business with provider like ACCTEL Network . ACCTEL Network Technologies can scale your project as necessary to handle any size roll-out – whether a handful of sites or thousands of sites. These phases and aspects of the network roll out are addresses by our credentialed team.